Sim-City Etiquette
Tee Times are highly recommended, but we will do our best to accommodate walk-in’s
Please be sure to bring clean shoes with you – dirty shoes are not allowed in the simulators. Clean Golf shoes can be worn, but not necessary. Metal spikes are not allowed.
It is recommended to bring your own clubs, but we do have sets available to rent – (limited availability only). If you do bring your own clubs, please make sure the club faces are clean.
Please keep all food and drinks outside the simulator bays.
Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes ahead of your tee time in order to get checked in, set up, and begin on time.
When your time is up, please gather your belongings promptly so that we can get the next group set up for their tee time. This helps us tremendously to keep things running smoothly.
If you are wanting to extend your playing time, please check with our staff. We will try to accommodate you as best as we can. Do keep in mind that time slots may be full and we will not be able to extend your time.
Average times to play:
2 Golfers – 9 holes in one hour
2 Golfers – 18 holes in two hours
4 Golfers – 9 holes in two hours
4 Golfers – 18 holes in four hours